How to choose the right Affiliate Program (Partnership VS Pay per Signup)

Submitted By:
Gavin with

When I first got into the adult arena there were not a whole lot of adult webmaster programs out there that paid you commissions for sending them traffic. Now every site you click on pretty much has the webmaster link somewhere on the page. This as we all know makes sense since how else can you get traffic quickly without really spending any money so to speak. When I say this I mean, yes you have to pay the webmaster out, but only if their referral converts to a sale. As opposed to spending money buying ads, search engines, etc, etc which all cost money before you even know if it works or not.


The big question these days is should I sign up for the partnership program or for the pay per sign up program. Back in the day there was even the pay per click, but the frauds ended that pretty quickly. I have always personally been in favor of the partnership program since that is root of true residual income. Residual income allows you to do something right once and get paid for the life of the site. I mention life of the site because with the partnership program you only get paid these residuals if the site is still in business. As opposed to the pay per signup where you have already collected the money upon signup.


With a partnership program you can work really hard for a couple of months and generate a bunch of traffic through whatever you favorite marketing plan is and then collect the money forever theoretically even when you have moved on in life and are no longer doing the traffic generation hustle. Pay per signup was designed for the sites that just have a ton of traffic, these sites don't want to get paid residual they want to make a huge killing quickly. That makes sense to, but if you are not currently in control of a mega site with millions of uniques a day this is not a smart choice for you because you will have to work really hard to maintain your level of income each month on the pay per sign up model.


So here is the simple math, Webmaster A signs up for the partnership program which pays him 50% on every join that he sends to that adult web site. Webmaster B signs up for the pay per sign up program that pays $30 for every sign that he sends that joins the adult web site. Lets take a look what happens at the end of one year if they both get 1 join per day, and the site is a $30 per month site. Also this site has a retention of 50%, meaning half the people that joins stay members for at least 1 year.


Month Joins Webmaster A

Webmaster B

January 30 30 joins X ($30 X 50%) = $450 30 joins X $30 = $900
February 30 $450 + (50% of Jan $225) = $675 $900
March 30 $450 + (50% of Feb $225) + (Jan $225) = $900 $900
April 30 $450 +(50% of March $225) + (Feb $225) + (Jan $225) = $1125 $900
May 30 $450 + (50% of April $225) +(March $225) + (February $225) + (January $225) = $1350 $900
June 30 $450 + (Jan thru May at $225 per month $1125) = $1575* $900
July 30 $1800 $900
August 30 $2025 $900
September 30 $2250 $900
October 30 $2475 $900
November 30 $2700 $900
December 30 $2975 $900
TOTAL 360 $18,050 $10,800


*At this point I am just adding $225 to the previous total since you get the idea on how I am coming to these numbers.


Now as I said earlier, if both webmasters stopped working at the end of the year, Webmaster B would not receive any more income, yet Webmaster A would continue to receive income from his joins for the indefinite future.


For the skeptics out there that say, "What if the site goes out of business?"


My answer is, take a look at the number above, in March Webmaster A is making as much as Webmaster B, and A keeps growing from there whereas B is stuck at the $900 per month on the pay per signup model. So if you choose your sites wisely and only use sites that have a proven track record you will lose money signing up for the pay per sign up model since based on the same amount of joins. After just 2 months you will make more than with the pay per sign up model. If the site shuts down any time after March you would of made more money with the partnership program, now imagine if this site stays around indefinitely and the retention is over 50%.


The numbers speak for themselves ladies and gentleman. At we offer both options because one of our webmasters might be a mega site with a ton of traffic and they just want to make money each month. For the most however, webmasters have to hustle each day to get there traffic and send it over and really hope that it converts, choosing the partnership program will make you way more money. Our payout is also 60% recurring, so the number above will be much bigger.


Thank you all for being such loyal webmasters, if you have any questions about this article or any of our past articles, or want to submit an article, please do not hesitate to contact me by clicking here